- 0
little resume of some fonctionalities
#35 opened by canneltigrou - 3
- 1
Space required by OpenFaceCpp
#31 opened by pachla195882 - 10
Feature vector is Empty
#14 opened by athulsnambiar - 2
- 1
- 2
Installation problem without cuda
#15 opened by mhaghighat - 2
build fails on mac QTKit not found?
#17 opened by atv2016 - 2
- 3
create_pipe() is not find.
#18 opened by zhongzhiwei1987 - 2
Execution problem
#27 opened by gaudinjonas - 4
dlib Compilation Issue
#19 opened by s13884 - 1
- 4
Build fails with SHA1 error
#22 opened by GlowTube - 2
Build Error 'INT32': redefinition
#24 opened by sGambolati - 1
- 0
Is there a reason why the L2 norm is calculated in as opposed to the Mahalanobis distance?
#23 opened by FaroukY - 0
Error involving OpenCV when building
#21 opened by rrbarioni - 5
Gpu face_detection
#12 opened by raaka1 - 1
- 1
Linking CXX executable run_tests wrong
#6 opened by pobei - 2
Cannot find source file: src/run_tests.cpp
#7 opened by linng85 - 1
- 1
Cannot find source file: src/run_tests.cpp
#11 opened by hocnv90 - 3
No run_tests.cpp file.
#4 opened by RodolfoSan - 5
boost-process dependency problem
#3 opened by lethic - 2
Face Recognition
#10 opened by Hardold - 2
How to run face recognition sample
#9 opened by Hardold - 1
What is the license?
#2 opened by nathankopp - 6
How to compile on Mac
#1 opened by atv2016