
Series of lectures and hands-on tutorials organized to familiarize new lab entrants with the fundamental areas of robotics research.

Summer Sessions 2020

Series of online lectures and hands-on tutorials organized to familiarize new lab entrants with the fundamental areas of robotics research.

Where and When?

  • Microsoft Teams. Timings: 3 pm - 4:30 pm (can extend by 30 mins for discussing assignments/quizzes)

Tentative Schedule

  • UPDATE: The below schedule will be pushed by 3-4 days and will likely start on 12/5. Because of current circumstances, we will only be able to confirm that only around 8th. Check back on 8th for final schedule (You will be mailed when it is confirmed). However, the sequence of the sessions will remain the same.
Tentative Dates Name Presenter Sessions Material
09/05/2020 → 10/05/2020 Math review Ayyappa 2 Ref: 2019 slides
12/05/2020 → 16/05/2020 Deep Learning Aadil, Shashank 4
18/05/2020 ROS Udit 1
20/05/2020 → 21/05/2020 Rigid Body Transformations Aadil, Shubodh 2
23/05/2020 → 30/05/2020 Camera Calibration, Multi-view Geometry, Bundle Adjustment Rahul, Shubodh 5
01/06/2020 State Estimation Abhinav 1
02/06/2020 → 03/06/2020 SLAM, SOTA Methods, Pose Graph Optimization Prof Madhav, Shubodh, Udit 2
05/06/2020 → 07/06/2020 Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation Josyula, Kaustab 3
09/06/2020 → 15/06/2020 Dynamics and control Prof Hari, Prof Spandan, Suraj, Viswa 4
17/06/2020 → 18/06/2020 Visual Servoing Abhinav, Harish 2
19/06/2020 Reinforcement Learning Kaustubh 1


  • Math review
    • Fundamentals of Linear Algebra, Calculus and Optimization: Vectors, Matrices, Vector and Matrix operations, Important matrices, Matrix decompositions, Gradient, Hessian, Linear and non-linear least squares, Unconstrained optimization methods, Lagrange multipliers.
  • Homogeneous coordinates and Rigid Body Transformations
    • Homogeneous coordinates, representing lines-points-planes, Fundamental Theorem of Projective Geometry, Rotation matrices, Homogeneous Transformation matrices, Rigid Body transformation, Composition of transformation by current-axis and fixed-axis conventions.
  • Geometry of Computer Vision:
    • Projective geometry, Camera modelling, Camera Calibration, Epipolar geometry, Triangulation, Resection, Structure from Motion (Bundle Adjustment), Visual odometry.
  • State Estimation
    • Bayes Filter, Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Filter.
  • Deep Learning
    • Basic review of ML and forward propagation, Back Propagation, CNN & Optimization Methods, CNN Architectures, RNNs/LSTMS, object detection, PyTorch Introduction and Coding.
  • SLAM, Pose Graph Optimization
    • What is SLAM, SOTA Methods, current state of SLAM, Introduction to pose graph optimization.
  • Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation
    • Robot modelling, Motion Planning overview, Sampling based planning, Variational methods for planning.
  • Dynamics and control
  • Visual servoing
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • ROS


Plan for assignments/quizzes

If an assignment is given for a particular concept, we have given a break of 1 day before next concept begins for solving this assignment. Also, the solutions to this assignment will be discussed at the end of next session, for example math review assignment will be discussed at the end of 3rd session (or sometimes at the beginning of the next session in which case the session will start early). But the discussion will be brief for about 30 minutes and you will not be able to follow if you haven't solved the assignment, so please solve it beforehand.

The presenter will confirm the assignment discussion session timings at the end of his sessions.

Regarding quizzes, they will be at the end of a particular session itself to gauge how much you have learned during that session.

  • Note: Assignments and/or quizzes are not being held for every topic, check the below tables for more details.

Assignment Schedule

Assignment No. Duration for solving Topic File Link Date of discussion
1 10-11/05 Linear Algebra & Calculus TBD 12/05
2 & 3 TBD Deep Learning TBD TBD
5 TBD Transformations TBD TBD
6 TBD Projective Geometry TBD TBD
9 TBD State Estimation (ST) TBD TBD
10 TBD Visual Servoing TBD TBD

ST stands for Short assignment.

  • Note: Do not get intimidated by looking at the volume of the assignments, we have designed the schedule ensuring that you have enough time between sessions to solve each assignment.

Quiz Schedule

(At the end of a particular session)

Quiz No. Topic
1-4 Deep Learning
5-6 Transformations and Projective Geometry
7-8 MVG




  • General

Sai Shubodh p.saishubodh@gmail.com

  • Maths (Linear Algebra, Calculus)

Ayyappa VVSST vvsst.ayyappa@research.iiit.ac.in

  • Deep Learning

S Shashank shashank.s@research.iiit.ac.in

  • ROS

Udit Singh Parihar udit.singh@research.iiit.ac.in

  • Rigid Body Transformations, Projective Geometry

AadilMehdi Sanchawala aadilmehdi.s@students.iiit.ac.in

  • Camera Calibration, Multiview Geometry, Bundle Adjustment

Sai Shubodh p.saishubodh@gmail.com
RAHUL SAJNANI rahul.sajnani@research.iiit.ac.in

  • State Estimation

Abhinav Gupta abhinav.g@students.iiit.ac.in

  • Motion Planning and Trajectory Generation

Josyula Krishna josyula008@gmail.com
Kaustab Pal kaustab21@gmail.com

  • Dynamics and control

Suraj suraj2596@gmail.com
Viswanarayan viswanarayanan.vijai@gmail.com

  • Visual Servoing

Harish Y V S harish.y@research.iiit.ac.in

  • Reinforcement Learning

kaustubh mani kaustubh3095@gmail.com