- 52
New UI Framework
#44 opened by kenchendesign - 1
Summer Cleo is not on here.
#53 opened by NawkGuy - 0
feature I'd like to see
#54 opened by Totaliss - 0
An option to not use any event only prints
#52 opened by kildykild - 0
Add the Changelog link to new design
#46 opened by LogicKnot93 - 2
Issue with the new Update
#51 opened by Niralam - 3
Team DPS slider
#50 opened by katjang - 4
- 0
Wish to add tooltips on Legend
#48 opened by ranjusaka - 0
Emma special dps sim
#47 opened by 3riotto - 0
Add an option for Gala Cleo
#45 opened by fabrocastel - 9
- 0
Dropdown to select Dragons
#43 opened by teryxc - 2
Dragalia lost DPS sim Victor.
#42 opened by 3riotto - 1
Maybe an on-element, neutral, weak toggle
#40 opened by nekodesu0001 - 1
Does Sylas improve with HoH+SDO in the sim
#41 opened by tophatchester - 3
Unit/Wyrmprint names on hover?
#39 opened by LogicKnot93 - 4
#23 opened by DragaliaFoundry - 1
Filter is currently not working.
#38 opened by kenchendesign - 14
UI improvement
#35 opened by kenchendesign - 1
Add an "Other" Filter for damage source?
#37 opened by MsNyara - 0
Albert S1 cost
#36 opened by pfleg - 1
Possibility to add more dragon options
#33 opened by IgnaCG08 - 1
#34 opened by YuMoZhiChu - 2
Displaying DPS sim results with other dragons?
#24 opened by Zyrrac - 0
readme link broken
#32 opened by alvinylee - 2
#30 opened by Asklands - 26
Improved Rotations for Daggers
#25 opened by MsNyara - 1
Albert missing
#28 opened by Ekid01 - 3
Melsa / Renelle dps isn’t correct?
#29 opened - 1
How would Forest Bonds and Prince of Dragonyule perform on Laranoa? RR/HoH + PoD on DY Cleo?
#26 opened by hou-austin - 1
Heinwald as 5* Shadow DPS
#21 opened by NoctisCepheus - 1
Bleed units using Shinobi
#20 opened by NoctisCepheus - 1
Naveed + STR Doublebuff
#22 opened by DragaliaFoundry - 1
- 0
Addis got reverted
#19 opened by qwewqa - 0
- 1
- 1
Marth s2p3 miss
#15 opened by l-NatsuDrgnl-l - 1
關於 Special 頁面 女主槍的護符
#14 opened by B3GG - 4
- 3
Isn't team DPS assumed to be too low?
#11 opened by SanyamBansal - 2
Can we get DPS sims for dragons?
#12 opened by SanyamBansal - 2
Fjorm S2 calcs for HBH
#9 opened by Exertim - 0
Veronica in low HP calc
#10 opened by Dean1412 - 2
- 3
- 1
#6 opened by B3GG - 1
Webpage freeze
#5 opened by ZedK - 2
Inquiry about WP combinations
#4 opened by 6tennis