
Code related to bulk RNAseq analysis

Primary LanguageR

Code related to RNAseq analysis

Typically, after FastQC, Trimming, and STAR alignment have been performed.

Need to make a raw counts table from the STAR output, explore data, differential analysis.

Strategy of Bulk RNAseq Analysis

  1. Utilize FQC_Trim_align scripts to perform via SLURM: Performs:

    • FastQC on raw files
    • Trimmomatic
    • FastQC on trimmed files
    • alignment and gene counts via STAR and ensembl Process:
    1. Make metadata excel file with columns Sample_Name (1st column). Group, and fastq - technically don't need this until after alignment, but good to plan it now
    2. Locate the 3 scripts from FQC_Trim_Align to make args_file and execute SLURM (copy to work_dir/scripts)
    3. Edit make_rnaseq_args_file.sh script (PE or SE) to find proper fastq.gz file names
    4. Prepare 3 input variables: 1. path to raw fastq files 2. path to folder containing STAR indices for reference genome 3. path to gtf file for reference genome annotation
    5. execute submit_script_rnaseq.sh with the above 3 input variables in order on exacloud
  2. Collect Stats

    • trimming stats, STAR stats, fastqc stats
    • scripts in RNAseq repository, collect_stats folder
    • TODO: make script to collect fastqc stats
  3. Utilize functions in bulkRNA_ide_source_functions.R to:

    • create raw counts table from STAR output
    • perform initial data exploration on the count data
  4. Utilize functions to perform differential expression analysis

    • with DESeq2 or edgeR

Input Requirements

1. metadata excel file

  • first column must be desired sample name (column Sample_Name)
  • must contain column fastq which is the fastq file prefix
    • this is the first part of the fastq file name
    • (the part preceding the general suffix ".star.ReadsPerGene.out.tab" of the STAR output
  • currently, uses column Group to define sample group membership (colors of PCA, groups to compare, etc)
  • rows (samples) are in a desired order that makes sense (with replicates together)
  • the sample columns of raw counts table will be in this same order

2. raw counts table

  • made with compile_readcounts function and passing metadat excel file to get sample names

3. optional gene_info file

  • provides matching gene names and gene descriptions for GeneIDs

Projects for reference:

  • ECP55 (non-ensembl genome and annotation, make gene info file optional?)
  • agarwal bulk RNAseq (clean up functions to be run within R, not command line)
  • new collection method of FastQC, Trimming, STAR stats?


  • in max counts barplot function, how to correctly output txt file with different gene_info files - use descriptions?
  • in ide.R script, make sure export of filtered counts is in good format (include GeneID as first column?)
  • export cpm and logcpm counts in ide.R script? Currently exported in differential analysis