
Anyone know what happened to the forum?

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The forum seems dead. Too bad... That had all the historical info about how do to all the things in backtrader.

I think the forum/community was one of the most important advantages of backtrader compared to other frameworks. I understand that fighting spam is really hard. Keeping these in mind, I believe that bringing a read-only version online is the best solution right now. Thoughts?

t3chap commented

I would like to keep this thing going but that forum was key to learning. I have too much invested in backtrader to have it die. Please let others know if they can help. I'm not an ace programmer but I might be of some use

Looks like the forum has gone dead again. Was up and working fine a couple of weeks ago :(

Since Backtrader seems dead, I had a look at Jesse. Relatively simpler to grok, but apparently built to only handle crypto.