- 0
Incorrect handling of trail orders
#98 opened by GithubTourist - 1
My code generates equity curve but no data under Trades: Negative/Positive and no Buy and Sell signals on the chart?
#93 opened by dmike23 - 0
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
#96 opened by SDFlying858 - 8
Anyone know what happened to the forum?
#92 opened by brettelliot - 0
Resampling options
#95 opened by yokotsumo - 3
- 5
Is it fair to say backtrader/2 have both stopped receiving active maintainence?
#90 opened by stucash - 1
- 3
- 0
pd.ols is depracated
#33 opened by andrelcgt - 0
Contributions Accepted?
#86 opened by datatalking - 0
- 6
[tradingcal] [bugfix] Index.searchsorted() method accepts only pandas timestamps in v1.0 of the library.
#18 opened by vladisld - 2
GenericCSVData class may use lambda functions which prevent it to be used in optimizations
#39 opened by vladisld - 1
bug: resample and plot error
#83 opened by dindom999 - 4
- 0
The stochasticfull index is different from the KDJ index of common stock software
#80 opened by toolgood - 0
- 3
Enhancement: Pluggable Strategy Optimizers
#51 opened by eicnix - 26
#72 opened by happydasch - 0
It would be great if some code use the cpp
#76 opened by isCopyman - 2
No such file or directory: 'YHOO'
#75 opened by kernytsky - 11
Strategy's self.positions throws AttributeError when set to IBBroker
#61 opened by vladisld - 7
- 2
#34 opened by happydasch - 0
yahoo feed fromdate
#65 opened by Kiessar - 1
cerebro.plot() aquivalent for plotly
#63 opened by lechner-philipp - 1
- 5
B2: Creating new additions/enhancements vs. soley bug fixes. Future direction.
#58 opened by neilsmurphy - 0
- 1
PandasData fails to autodetect columns in case the input dataframe uses indexes instead of names for columns
#43 opened by vladisld - 0
IBStore.dt_plus_duration calculates the date offset incorrectly for month durations
#41 opened by vladisld - 0
IB : Exception in message dispatch. Handler 'commissionReport' for 'commissionReport' <...> in push_commissionreport ex = self.executions.pop(cr.m_execId)
#53 opened by FGU1 - 0
- 5
Math Functions
#35 opened by neilsmurphy - 0
CmpEx function seems to behave incorrectly
#42 opened by vladisld - 0
Set title for plot
#37 opened by alatif-alatif - 1
Intraday + Daily datasets Date misalignment ?
#38 opened by Onepamopa - 0
IBBroker marks the order as rejected on unknown error notifications from the broker
#40 opened by vladisld - 2
cerebro will break if having non resampled data mixed with resampled data in _runnext
#32 opened by happydasch - 0
- 1
Price used for limit order execution can be incorrectly outside of the high/low range
#22 opened by ab-trader - 3
- 8
[bug]bt.Analyzer.AnnualReturn is not right when it is not used the timeframe "daily"
#23 opened by tianjixuetu - 0
'frompackages' directive functionality seems to be broken when using inheritance
#24 opened by vladisld - 5
- 0 file need to be updated with a correct link to the Travis CI for backtrader2 repo
#19 opened by vladisld - 0
[live feeds] ERROR: __len__() should return >= 0
#17 opened by vladisld - 0
[influxdb feed] Multiple issues with InfluxDB Data Feed resampling and time filtering
#16 opened by vladisld - 0