- 1
- 4
str score error for some loci
#87 opened by krukanna - 2
Check for parallel and snow packages, and that random behaviour is appropriate
#81 opened by trickytank - 0
check scripts in tools
#85 opened by trickytank - 2
- 0
- 0
fix snow parallel for tsum_test
#83 opened by trickytank - 4
exstra_score object 1 sample
#46 opened by eudesbarbosa - 0
Check data-raw/ suits new extdata
#53 opened by trickytank - 2
exSTRa on .cram file
#64 opened by ichauchcc - 8
errors when object is null
#51 opened by bharatij - 2
- 1
DB built with prepare_exSTRa_input_db.R different from repeat_expansion_disorders_hg38.txt.
#63 opened by rafaelmguedes - 0
object 'aff_low' not found
#61 opened by fouadzahdeh - 4
include known hg38 STR expansion database
#14 opened by trickytank - 0
Give minimal exSTRa repeat database example
#56 opened by trickytank - 0
Add version check to R/read_exstra_db_known.R
#55 opened by trickytank - 1
Documentation with roxygen
#12 opened by trickytank - 1
Write wiki for data setup and usage
#4 opened by trickytank - 1
- 2
Limit functions exported
#3 opened by trickytank - 1
Errors if no data for locus
#17 opened by trickytank - 3
Add Travis CI testing
#6 opened by trickytank - 1
Make Perl scripts more usable
#10 opened by trickytank - 2
- 2
ability to read CRAM
#7 opened by trickytank - 0
Include known hg19 STR expansion database
#5 opened by trickytank - 1
Interactive score plots
#8 opened by trickytank - 1
Create test dataset
#2 opened by trickytank - 1
Change classes to exSTRa_*
#1 opened by trickytank