
problem template for the programming contest

Primary LanguagePython

This folder contains a sample problem with several files and folders.

inputs and outputs folders are pretty self explanatory. minimum of 20 test cases is a must have for a problem. if the problem expects more than one test case to be solved at one run, the inputs can be different combinations of a small set of test cases.

solv folder is supposed to contain a solver for the problem in some accesible programming language. this is a must have as well.

gen folder is supposed to contain an input file generator if it's possible.

statement.md is a text file in the markdown format. look inside it for basic usage, and see here for an in depth tutorial of markdown.

notes.md is the place to put your notes for the contest organizator that might be helpful before, after and during the contest especially for this problem.

###Some notes

  • output for a given input must always be the same. explicitly stating that some sort of ordering is required in the output might be useful.