
pcl kinect ROS interface learning

Primary LanguageC++

#ROSpcl ####point cloud and opencv tutorials in ROS groovy using Microsoft Kinect sensor

Author: Balakumar Sundarlingam,SALEM,India

#####Source Files:

#####testBuild.cpp Test Ros build file.

#####passThrough.cpp Pcl passthrough filter test with sample data.

#####KinectDataTest.cpp Test of kinect sensor_msgs with pcl Voxel grid filter

#####pclFiltersKinect.cpp Kinect ROS pcl interface and applying of common filters.

#####opencvTest.cpp test of opencv libraries.

#####opencv2Test.cpp opencv2 test.

#####kinectSplitter.cpp Splits the depth_registered points to RGB and XYZ.

#####opencvImageSubscriber.cpp kinectSplitter RGB node import to opencv format.

#####faceDetection.cpp Detects faces and eyes using Haar cascades.