Version 2.1:
New calls to snInit/snSpec added that allow the user to define the Fortran file unit numbers to be used with the print file, summary file, and specs file.
Works with SNOPT 7.7+
In C: snInitX, setPrintfileX, setSpecsfileX have additional integer arguments for Fortran unit numbers
In C++: Added overloaded initialize, setPrintFile, setSpecsfile to accept Fortran unit numbers
Internally, renamed f_sninit, f_snspec Fortran subroutines to f_sninitf, f_snspecf and changed to call sninitf, snspecf (without Fortran unit numbers and new in SNOPT 7.7). f_sninit and f_snspec now call snInit and snSpec with Fortran unit number
Please see
for more information on how to link to the libraries and use the C/C++ interface.