
Unity & Azure Pipelines Demo: LostCrypt

Primary LanguageC#

Unity & Azure Pipelines Demo: Lost Crypt

This project demonstrates building a Unity app for iOS/Android with Azure Pipelines and Unity Build Server. The sample app is based on Lost Crypt - 2D Sample Project from Unity Technologies. It's distributed under the Unity Companion License.

Azure Pipelines

The public project on Azure DevOps has CI/CD pipelines for this repository. You can see actual build logs for 2 target platforms and 2 configurations.

Platform Development Release
Android Build Status Build Status
iOS Build Status Build Status

YAML pipeline files reside in AzureDevOps/Scripts and the following files are the entrypoints.

The pipelines consume the following variables defined in unity-build variable group.

Name Example Value Description
appcenterEndpoint AppCenter-LostCrypt App Center endpoint base name
(-TARGET-CONFIG is appended)
appcenterGroupId XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX App Center distribute group ID
appcenterSlug bananedemo/LostCrypt App Center project slug base name
(-TARGET-CONFIG is appended)
p12Pwd secret iOS code signing p12 file password
p12SecureFile cert.p12 iOS code signing p12 secure file name
provSecureFile prov.mobileprovision iOS mobile provisioning secure file name
unityTunnelKeySecureFile privkey.pem SSH private key secure file name
unityTunnelServer user@license.example.com SSH user@host to connect the license server

You have to upload secure files with the name disignated by variables above.

App Center Distribute

Here are the public app distribution pages by Visual Studio App Center. Note that iOS apps won't work on your devices because the issued mobile provisionings are limited to mine.