
SearchStringInAssets is an Editor extension that allows you to search the UnityEditor for strings stored in a scene, Prefab, or ScriptableObject.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Releases MIT License

※Only macOS.

SearchStringInAssets is an Editor extension that allows you to search the UnityEditor for strings stored in a scene, Prefab, or ScriptableObject.


※Cannot be used when Spotlight is off because it uses mdfind.

How to Use

Open SearchStringInAssets from Tools > Shibuya24 > SearchStringInAssets.

If Use Custom Setting

Create setting(ScriptableObject) from Create > Shibuya24 > SearchStringInAssets .
Set it in the SearchSetting of SearchStringInAssets, press the Save button to save the settings to the Editor.

How to Install

UPM Package Install via git URL

After Unity 2019.3.4f1, Unity 2020.1a21, that support path query parameter of git package. You can add https://github.com/baobao/SearchStringInAssets.git?path=Assets/SearchStringInAssets to Package Manager


or add "info.shibuya24.search-string-in-assets":"https://github.com/baobao/SearchStringInAssets.git?path=Assets/SearchStringInAssets" to Packages/manifest.json.

or import unitypackage

Download and import unitypackage from the following page.


This library is under the MIT License.