How to transfer the maf to fasta by msa_view?
zhangzhiyangcs opened this issue · 2 comments
I encountered an issue when using the command below:
~/miniconda3/bin/msa_view/msa_view ${prefix}.alignment.f.maf> ${prefix}.fa
The error message I received is as follows:
I'm certain that msa_view can convert MAF to FASTA effectively, as I've successfully used it with output from the Cactus software. However, I noticed that the order of entries in the MAF from AnchorWave software seems to be disorganized. Should I sort the MAF entries first? Do you have any advice on this?
Best regards,
I am not the developer of msa_view, but looks like you are having memory management problem.
An custom script could be written easily and used to reformat a MAF file into FASTA.
Thanks Song,
I find a custom shell script that could deal with this problem perfectly. If anyone meet the same question. Try this
sh sample.maf >sampe.maf