- Author: Aleksandr Barinov
- openjdk version "11.0.8" 2020-07-14
- OS:
  - NAME="Ubuntu"
  - VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
- Android sdk version 11.0(R)
- app was tested on Meizu 16 android version 8.1.0 (had troubles with virtualization on ubuntu 18.04)
- Supported functionality:
  - gestures:
    - change pages (scroll)
    - move page (grab a page and move)
    - reducing page to it's basic size and returning it to the center (double tap)
    - zoom (with two fingers)
  - buttons:
    - undo (up to ten actions)
    - redo (up to ten actions) 
    - draw (thin line)
    - highlight (HL) (thick transparent line)
    - erase (delete everything that intersects with the shape created by user)