
Information on RAS internal communication protocols and base stack features

Researchlab Autonomous Shipping Delft - Framework overview

These guidelines are aimed to help people get access to RAS systems and encourage alignment of interfaces between projects/modules.

Quick links:



  • 10x Delfia (0.38x0.18m) duo azimuth
  • 7x Tito Neri (0.98x0.33m) dua aft azimuth + bow thruster
  • 1x Grey seabax (1.37x0.29m) 2 aft azimuth + 2 propeller coupled stern azimuth

Common experimental locations:

  • Flume tank (~ 3.0x5.0m - needs to be verified). Current settable up to ~0.4m/s. Covered with Optitrack motion tracking system
  • Small towing tank (~2.8x80.0m) of which 40m is covererd with Optitrack cameras
  • Tabletop lab tank (1.28x0.79m), Covered with optitrack cameras.
  • <in development> 4.0x3.5x1.5high lab tank in RAS basement. Will have transparent windows, optitrack coverage and likely underwater localisation system.
  • Pond in front of faculty. Tito-Neris can be conveniently launched through windowside with dedicated crane.

There is a wide range of other equipment available that is not listed here or standard mounted on a vessel, such as particular sensors and computers. Ask technicians if you are looking for something in particular, as we might have what you need.

Software components

we offer a variety of repositories that cater to researchers and projects. Our design philosophy centers around creating reusable software components for future projects. To ensure ease of use for upcoming projects, we organize these software components into different topics. Our repositories consist of two main types: basic building blocks and those designed for specific use cases. The distinction between the two ensures clarity and easy identification of the functionalities.

Basic Building Blocks:

These are common software modules doing basic operations fundamental for reliable vessel operation. While they may not be of direct interest to regular researchers, they play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of the system. Examples of such modules include:

  • Bridges between sensors and ROS (Robot Operating System)
  • Low level actuator controls
  • VPN services for secure communication
  • Remote control abilities
  • Ship diagnostics for monitoring and maintenance purposes

Specific Use Case Components:

Some software components are tailored for specific subjects or applications. These components are bundled together in dedicated packages for easy access and usage. Examples of such packages include:

  • Waypoint following demonstration for path planning and navigation
  • Formation control system 1, which includes heading and distance keeping approaches (ref), ideal for formations of vessels
  • MT44000 Mechatronics course software, catering to the specific needs of the Mechatronics course.

An overview of available modules can be found here

Network standards


The table below shows identifiers are used for our vessels. These names are commonly used when something needs to refer to a specific ship, such as ROS topics.

Model Description Identifier
TitoNeri Light-blue Tito Neri RAS_TN_LB
TitoNeri Dark-blue Tito Neri RAS_TN_DB
TitoNeri Red Tito Neri RAS_TN_RE
TitoNeri Yellow Tito Neri RAS_TN_YE
TitoNeri Purple Tito Neri RAS_TN_PU
TitoNeri Green Tito Neri RAS_TN_GR
TitoNeri Orange Tito Neri RAS_TN_OR
GreySeabax The Grey-seabax RAS_GS
Delfia-1* Delfia 1 RAS_DF_1
Delfia-1* Delfia 2 RAS_DF_2
Delfia-1* Delfia 3 RAS_DF_3
Delfia-1* Delfia 4 RAS_DF_4
Delfia-1* Delfia 5 RAS_DF_5

ROS topics & message formats

To have modules easily swappable and connectable, the following default messagetypes and namespacing are suggested. 'vesselID' refers to the Identifier of a particular vessel as described in the previous section.

Old namespace convention: (pre 2023)

Topicname Description Messagetype Default unit(s)
/vesselID/u_ref Reference/desired Actuator state std_msgs/Float32MultiArray* (see below )
/vesselID/u_est Measured actuator state std_msgs/Float32MultiArray identical to /vesselID/u_ref
OptiRAS/vesselID Estimated pose std_msgs/pose meters,quaternions
/vesselID/geopos_est Estimated/measured global position sensor_msgs/NavSatFix degrees (latitude, longitude), meters (altitude)
/vesselID/heading_est Estimated/measured yaw std_msgs/Float32 radians (clockwise from above w.r.t. north)
/vesselID/heading_ref Reference/desired yaw std_msgs/Float32 radians (clockwise from above w.r.t. north)
/vesselID/telemetry microcontroller state / telemetry std_msgs/Float32MultiArray* various (see below )

Updated namespaces (we will migrate tho this throughout 2023)

Topicname Description Messagetype Default unit(s)
/vesselID/state/actuation Measured actuator state std_msgs/Float32MultiArray (see below
/vesselID/reference/actuation Reference/desired Actuator state std_msgs/Float32MultiArray* (see below )
/vesselID/reference/actuation_prio Override actuation reference, commonly for emergency std_msgs/Float32MultiArray* (see below )
/vesselID/state/pose_local Estimated/measured pose w.r.t. local coordinate system geometry_msgs/Pose meters,quaternions
/vesselID/reference/pose_local Reference/desired pose w.r.t. local coordinate system geometry_msgs/Pose meters,quaternions
/vesselID/state/geopos Estimated/measured global position sensor_msgs/NavSatFix degrees (latitude, longitude), meters (altitude)
/vesselID/reference/geopos Reference/desired global position sensor_msgs/NavSatFix degrees (latitude, longitude), meters (altitude)
/vesselID/state/yaw Estimated/measured yaw std_msgs/Float32 radians (clockwise from above w.r.t. north)
/vesselID/reference/yaw Reference/desired yaw std_msgs/Float32 radians (clockwise from above w.r.t. north)
/vesselID/state/actuator_forces current forces/torques applied to ship in CO geometry_msgs/Wrench Newton (linear), Newton*meter (angular)
/vesselID/reference/actuator_forces desired forces/torques applied to ship in CO geometry_msgs/Wrench Newton (linear), Newton*meter (angular)
/vesselID/state/velocity measured/estimated velocities of CO in body fixed coordinate system geometry_msgs/Twist m/s (linear), rad/s (angular)
/vesselID/reference/velocity desired velocities of CO in body fixed coordinate system geometry_msgs/Twist m/s (linear), rad/s (angular)

Details on particular topics

Delfia-1* actuation array is as follows:

Index Content Unit
0 Rear propeller velocity RPS
1 Front propeller velocity RPS
2 Angle rear azimuth Radians
3 Angle front azimuth Radians

For the Tito Neri the actuation array is defined as

Index Content Unit
0 Aft portside propeller velocity RPM
1 Aft starboardside propeller velocity RPM
2 Bow thruster velocity Normalized between -1.0 and +1.0
3 Aft portside azimuth angle Radians
4 Aft portside azimuth angle Radians

For the Tito Neri the telemetry array is defined as:
Index Content Unit
0 dcmotor_P_reference RPM
1 dcmotor_SB_reference RPM
2 output_BOW float, normalized on range -1.0:1.0)
3 reference_Angle_P deg
4 reference_Angle_SB deg
5 dcmotor_P_estimated RPM
6 dcmotor_SB_estimated RPM
7 dcmotorPID_P_Output normalized on 8 bit reslution 0-255
8 dcmotorPID_SB_Output normalized on 8 bit reslution 0-255
9 arduinoInternalClock ms
10 IMU_accell_x m/s/s
11 IMU_accell_y m/s/s
12 IMU_accell_z m/s/s
13 IMU_gyro_x rad/s
14 IMU_gyro_y rad/s
15 IMU_gyro_z rad/s
16 IMU_magneto_x uT
17 IMU_magneto_y uT
18 IMU_magneto_z uT
19 motor_ESC_SignalOut_P 1200-1800Hz
20 motor_ESC_SignalOut_SB 1200-1800Hz

Coordinate systems

Various basins are equipped with systems that can find and stream state of rigid bodies, such as the Optitrack systems. This section explains in what coordinate system you can expect data to be streamed on ROS with our default system.

Tiny lab tank

The coordinate system of the optitrack system on the tiny lab tank is defined as follows:

Note that Z does not point down (as in line with the marine standard NED definition). If this is desired, coordinate system transformation can be done by the user.

Flume tank


Arrows the the figure above denote positive values. Note that Z does not point down (as in line with the marine standard NED definition). If this is desired, coordinate system transformation can be done by the user.

Small towing tank