
Centralized repository of my Blazor apps with Machine Intelligence (Statistics, Analytics, Machine Learning, AI, Information Retrieval etc.). This repository will coalesce all of my Machine Intelligence repos in a single area and point to their respective: live demo, source code, video & presentation locations.


Centralized repository of my Blazor apps with Machine Intelligence (Statistics, Analytics, Machine Learning, AI, Information Retrieval etc.). This repository will coalesce all of my Machine Intelligence repos in a single area and point to their respective: live demo, source code, video & presentation locations.

Live Demos (hosted on Azure cloud)

•Baseball ML Workbench (.NET 7, Blazor Server, SignalR, Azure Front Door): https://baseballmlworkbench.azurefd.net/
•ML.NET Baseball Predictions & Lucene Information Retrieval (.NET 7, Blazor WASM, Azure Static Website): https://mlnetwithsearch.azureedge.net
•Sports League Simulator [IN PROGRESS] (.NET 7, Blazor WASM, Azure Static Website): https://sportsleaguesimulator.azureedge.net/SimulateDecade
•Statistical Simulations & Visuals (.NET 7, Blazor WASM, Azure Static Website): https://statisticsblazordotnet7.azureedge.net
•Statistical Simulations & Visuals (.NET 6, Blazor WASM, Azure Static Website): https://statisticsblazordotnet6.azureedge.net
•Statistical Simulations & Visuals (.NET Core 3.x, Blazor WASM, Azure Static Website): https://statisticsblazordotnet3.azureedge.net

Source Code

•Baseball ML Workbench: https://github.com/bartczernicki/MachineLearning-BaseballPrediction-BlazorApp
•ML.NET Baseball Predictions & Lucene Information Retrieval (.NET 7, Blazor WASM, Self-Host): https://github.com/bartczernicki/Test-Blazor-MLNet-WASMHost
•Sports League Simulator [IN PROGRESS] (.NET 7, Blazor WASM): https://github.com/bartczernicki/Simulation-SportsChampionships
•Statistical Simulations & Visuals (.NET 7, Blazor WASM): https://github.com/bartczernicki/Blazor-WebAssembly-StatisticsAndML-DotNet7
•Statistical Simulations & Visuals (.NET 6, Blazor WASM): https://github.com/bartczernicki/Test-Blazor-WebAssembly-StatisticsAndML-DotNet6
•Statistical Simulations & Visuals (.NET Core 3.x, Blazor WASM): https://github.com/bartczernicki/Test-Blazor-WebAssembly-StatisticsAndML


•Adding Machine Intelligence to your Blazor Apps: https://github.com/bartczernicki/ArtificialIntelligence-Presentations/blob/master/AddingMachineIntelligenceToYourBlazorApps.pptx
•Machine Learning Community Standup - Blazor WASM & ML.NET with .NET 5: https://github.com/bartczernicki/ArtificialIntelligence-Presentations/blob/master/DotNetCommunityStandup-MLNetBlazorDotNet5.pptx
•Virtual ML.NET Conference - Decision Analysis with ML.NET: https://github.com/bartczernicki/ArtificialIntelligence-Presentations/blob/master/VirtualMLNet-DecisionAnalysisWithMLNet.pptx


•Machine Learning Community Standup - Blazor WASM & ML.NET with .NET 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBEGPANJnr4
•Decision Analysis with ML.NET and Blazor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgbI_Xk2ivk

ML.NET - Related Machine Learning & Baseball projects

•Baseball Hall of Fame Models Training Job (.NET Core, ML.NET): https://github.com/bartczernicki/MLDotNet-BaseballClassification
•gRPC Client & Server surfacing ML.NET predictions (.NET Core, gRPC, ML.NET): https://github.com/bartczernicki/MachineIntelligence-Grpc-BaseballPredictions
•Azure Function surfacing ML.NET predictions (.NET Core, ML.NET): https://github.com/bartczernicki/ML-Baseball-Prediction-AzureFunction