
Basil's MATLAB GUI to read in niifti/HDF5 files and create weak supervision annotations (scribbles)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Scribble Annotator

This is a MATLAB UI created to reannotate MRI images with 'scribbles' in order to use the ACDC Dataset with a weakly supervised CNN

Author: Basil Mustafa (email)


The main script is freehand_scribble.m, which takes in an image, ground truth and current scribble as inputs and provides a UI to annotate them.

scribble_hdf5.m and scribble_niifti.m are examples which interface with the scribble annotator - these will likely have to be heavily modified/ rewritten to match your data structure.

Future Work

  • Currently have to input an array of zeros if there is no current scribble - should adjust freehand_scribble.m to automatically use blank array of size matching the ground truth if there is no input given