- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#113 opened by forking-renovate - 4
- 0
- 1
Release 0.1.0
#268 opened by comius - 0
- 2
Cannot add extra actions using variables
#246 opened by keith - 0
Require `data` on `cc_sysroot`?
#243 opened by keith - 0
- 0
Release `rules_cc` & publish to BCR
#239 opened by hvadehra - 4
bazel coverage not working for 0.0.9
#219 opened by Ryang20718 - 0
Undefined symbol when linking to a shared library produced by native.rule code generation
#230 opened by blackjack - 2
- 18
Toolchain config alternative to `--per_file_copt`
#209 opened by tpudlik - 0
- 0
data not made available on Windows
#231 opened by classner - 0
Bazel builds using rules_cc on recent (Ventura, Sonoma) MacOS fail due to -undefined dynamic_lookup
#229 opened by AIWintermuteAI - 0
strip_prefix attribte in release notes is wrong
#225 opened by aherrmann - 5
C++ cc_binary segfaults on macos-12
#226 opened by avdv - 0
The url mentioned in the readme file does not exist " "does not exist. Can someone fix the broken url?
#227 opened by yjianpen - 1
- 1
- 0
Toolchain rules: legacy features need to be explicitly enabled to create a working toolchain
#224 opened by armandomontanez - 0
Copybara setup is making bad commit messages
#222 opened by alexeagle - 0
MSVC/Windows: Consider setting VSCMD_SKIP_SENDTELEMETRY=<some-random-value> to avoid slowdown during VsDevEnv.cmd setup
#223 opened by malkia - 1
rules_cc issue while using for cross compilation.
#220 opened by dommatib - 1
- 0
FR: cc_binary should have stripopts parameter
#101 opened by djmarcin - 0
cc_shared_library drops some exported linker inputs
#104 opened by c-parsons - 0
Does the rules_cc support Persistent Workers ?
#109 opened by weimch - 1
- 1
Drop the dependency on bazel_federation
#141 opened by aiuto - 0
- 4
@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl does not contain the symbol use_cpp_toolchain required by cc_flag_supplier.bzl on a fresh build
#133 opened by nickph7 - 0
BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN doesn't work without Xcode / Xcode CLT installed.
#134 opened by uri-canva - 0
- 4
Please Update `io_bazel_rules_go` to remove reference to `@bazel_tools//platforms:xxx`
#140 opened by aranguyen - 1
Extension file 'tensorflow/core/platform/default/rules_cc.bzl' has errors when install tflite-support-0.4.2 using Bazel 4.2.2
#150 opened by febrifahmi - 0
Flag --incompatible_disable_starlark_host_transitions will break rules_cc in Bazel 7.0
#159 opened by keertk - 0
Bazel uses /usr/bin/clang instead of /usr/bin/clang++ to link C++ code on FreeBSD?
#161 opened by yesudeep - 2
Add binary link deps attribute to cc_library
#194 opened by tpudlik - 0
Link-Time Substitution: Native Support
#200 opened by cramertj - 1
- 1
virtual includes and headers only cc_library.
#191 opened by lromor - 2
Create 0.0.6 release
#181 opened by keith - 3
Create 0.0.5 release
#174 opened by keith - 1
Flag --incompatible_config_setting_private_default_visibility will break rules_cc in Bazel 7.0
#157 opened by keertk - 2
linker warnings on macOS XCode 14: `ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups`
#149 opened by garymm - 23
- 5
- 2
Please document copyright holders
#96 opened by olekw