
An SPA using spring mvc framework, Hibernate ORM, MySQL database as BackEnd and AngulerJS as FrontEnd

Primary LanguageJava


An SPA(Single Page Application) using spring mvc framework, Hibernate ORM, MySQL database as BackEnd and AngulerJS as FrontEnd

Create a simple app store web application using the Spring-MVC framework along with: Hibernate ORM as an intermediary between Java and database, MySQL for data storage, Tomcat 8.0 for web server, and Angular JS for the front end. The web application have the following functionalities:

  1. Initial view: show the top 10 apps in the app store based on user ratings

  2. Detail view: display additional details for the selected app, and provide a preview (the name and icon) for 5 additional apps that are recommended based on having common traits to the app currently selected

  3. View transferring: If the page currently being shown is a detail view, allow the user to navigate back to the initial view by clicking a “Go Back” button. In addition, allow the user to navigate from the detail view of one app to the detail view of one of the recommended apps displayed.

  4. App Administration(not finish yet): allow for user logins and app content management (creating new apps, updating existing apps, deleting existing apps)