Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


How to run the experiments

./build/src/benchmarkAgelatency -help
    -K_N_only (Limit the search to random periodicity factors K that divide the
      repetition factors N.) type: bool default: false
    -begin_n (Minimal task count) type: int32 default: 5
    -detailed (printout every sample) type: bool default: false
    -end_n (Maximum task count) type: int32 default: 100
    -iter_count (How many run per graph (precision)) type: int32 default: 50
    -kind (Kind of dataset to generate (automotive,generic,harmonic))
      type: string default: "automotive"
    -sample_count (How many graph to generate per size (variety)) type: int32
      default: 100
    -seed (Value of the first seed.) type: int32 default: 123
    -step_n (Step of task count) type: int32 default: 5
    -verbose (Specify the verbosity level (0-10)) type: int32 default: 0

./build/src/benchmarkAgelatency -detailed -begin_n 100 -end_n 500 -step_n 100 -sample_count 1 -iter_count 1


  • Need to discuss data type between integer and floats