Multivoxel Pattern Analysis in R

Primary LanguageR


Multivoxel Pattern Analysis in R

This package is under development.


rMVPA is an R library for multivariate pattern analysis of neuroimaging data. The goal of this library is to make MVPA analyses easy. It can be used both programmatically from within R or using a command line interface. ‘rMVPA’ leverages the ‘caret’ library for the underlying machine learning interface. What rMVPA provides is the infrastructure for conducting machine learning analyses on neuroimaging data.

Documentation and vignettes: https://bbuchsbaum.github.io/rMVPA/


Using devtools

To install rMVPA from within R, use the devtools function install_github. You will need the development version of neuroim2 as well.

From within R:


Using git from the command line

git clone git@github.com:bbuchsbaum/rMVPA.git
R CMD install rMVPA

Optionally install command line scripts for “coding-free” MVPA analysis:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bbuchsbaum/rMVPA/master/scripts/MVPA_Searchlight.R

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bbuchsbaum/rMVPA/master/scripts/MVPA_Regional.R

Then, move these files to a folder on your PATH and make them executable:

chmod +x MVPA_Searchlight.R

chmod +x MVPA_Regional.R