
A python interface to the MINC 2 library, allowing use of numpy arrays to access MINC data, and other such similar goodies, developed by Jason Lerch

Primary LanguagePython

Pyminc is a python interface to the MINC 2 library, allowing use of numpy arrays to 
access MINC data, and other such similar goodies developed by Jason Lerch.


Documentation can be found in the tutorial section of the MINC Wikibooks (Programming with MINC2 in python):




Pyminc requires numpy (the python numerical arrays package) to work. Also, it needs 
MINC2 compiled as a shared object and accessible through the standard search paths

Currently pyminc is geared towards the develop branch of libminc, because that is the 
version of MINC that is installed through the minc-toolkit (https://github.com/BIC-MNI/minc-toolkit).
There are some substantial differences between that branch and the master branch of 
libminc in terms of the argument types of several functions.


Installing pyminc:

1) Untar the tarball if applicable

2) Run 'python setup.py install' with an optinal --prefix if you want to install it in a non-default location

3) Test the installation. To test the installation of pyminc library, run the pyminc_test2.py script in the
scripts folder. This program has 3 arguments: a minc file, a method for smoothing the volume (numpy, blitz or weave)
and an output file name