
These are the open source Bluetooth 4.0 Smart APPs, including Bluetooth Low Energy and Classic BR/EDR. Check out these in BCSphere client for Android/iOS, include standard GATT profiles like FindMe, as well as proprietary for TI cc2540/cc2541 sensorTag, Dialog 14580 Bluetooth Serial Port/SPP, Smartwebee Bumblebee BLE starter kit etc. It also support Arduino like development kits, such as Microduino.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


These are the open source Bluetooth 4.0 Smart APPs which can run in BCSphere APP client, as well as be compiled as an dedicate APP for both iOS and Android.

Apps Directory

  1. cc.microduino/btmodule: the Bluetooth module driver and sample for tx/rx for Microduino. Refer at www.microduino.cc.
  2. com.TI.cc254x/sensorTag : the Bluetooth Apps for TI Sensor Tag, based on CC2540/2541.
  3. com.broadcom/WICEDSense : the Bluetooth Apps for Broadcom WicedSense.
  4. com.dialog-semiconductor/DA14580-01 : the Bluetooth Serial Port demo sample to connect with a Dialog DA14580 chip.
  5. com.halation/electronicTag : the demo App to drive Halation electronic tag.
  6. com.jumacc/HC06-BluetoothCar : the App to drive a Bluetooth car remotely, based on HC-06 classic 2.1 BR/EDR module.

Commercial Service

  • Quick 1 solution for all platforms, with project schedule down to 1 week.
  • For Bluetooth APPs customization service, please contact team@bcsphere.org.

BCSphere is the open source core Bluetooth JavaScript SDK for Bluetooth 4.0 LE mobile APPs, maintained by JUMA Techonology. Soure code tree is at www.github.com/bcsphere/bluetooth. It supports Bluetooth 4.0 GATT/Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface , ibeacon, and Bluetooth 2.1 classic BR/EDR, with rfcomm socket, for Bluetooth serial port.