These are the open source Bluetooth 4.0 Smart APPs, including Bluetooth Low Energy and Classic BR/EDR. Check out these in BCSphere client for Android/iOS, include standard GATT profiles like FindMe, as well as proprietary for TI cc2540/cc2541 sensorTag, Dialog 14580 Bluetooth Serial Port/SPP, Smartwebee Bumblebee BLE starter kit etc. It also support Arduino like development kits, such as Microduino.
- blinkNLchengdu
- Roronoayx
- chengcx1019Beijing
- shivekkhuranaOn chain
- QichaoShen
- raulsMelbourne
- natural125
- geekahertz
- martinxShanghai, China
- davidthewatsonPittsburgh, PA
- zachheineUnited States
- JBTech
- derk
- oliverqt
- stpnNew York
- cldy007
- lsw0794linchuan
- pkozlovskiy
- potaka001Japan
- simsketch
- fed135Montreal, Canada
- jikunchongChengdu, China
- tucanae47
- maxdenisov
- powerpoint45
- ravivarmapmHyderabad, India
- angus151Sydney