
💡 Idea Byte Discussion & Design with Figma

Idea Byte Discussion + Design

This repo is to manage all discussion and design assets of Idea Byte.

1. Table of Contents

2. Introduction

Let's build a full stack project in just 5 days.

  • Monday: Design UI & UX in Figma, implement frontend components in React
  • Tuesday: Give interactivity with Redux
  • Wednesday: Implement backend REST API
  • Thursday: Integrate frontend and backend
  • Friday: Present full stack project with slide

3. Links

4. Development Setup

5. Features

  • List the features we NEED, not what we WANT
  • List the issues on how to implement it
  • Display introduction in homepage (/)
  • Display all ideas in homepage (/ideas)
  • Display about in about page (/about)
  • Register new user (/register)
    • Put full name
    • Put username
    • Put email
    • Put password
    • Register button
  • Login with registered user (/login)
    • Put username
    • Put password
    • Login button
  • Check our own profile (/profile)
    • Full Name
    • Username
    • Email
    • Password should not be displayed
    • Remove user button
      • Remove our own user/profile
  • Check other user's profile (/users/:username)
  • Create a new idea in the idea editor (/create)
    • Put the title
    • Put an image or multiple images
      • This will be a cover image
    • Put some description
    • Date and time created automatically
    • Submit idea
  • See the idea on its own (/ideas/:id)
    • Cover image
    • Title
    • Description
    • Date and time
    • Author
      • Link to user's profile
    • Details
  • Update idea in the idea editor (/ideas/:id/edit)
    • Update the title and description
    • Remove our own idea
    • Resubmit the idea

6. Management Accounts


  • Gmail
  • Google Chrome Profile
  • Uniregistry
  • Cloudflare
  • Figma
  • Netlify
  • Heroku
  • GitHub Personal Admin
  • GitHub Organization
  • The Noun Project
  • Unsplash
  • Grammarly

7. Technology & Design Stack

8. Design

8.1. Logo Design

Figma: https://figma.com/file/Ulv3rNFBEvLpAYVQKyrQUf7R/Logo


8.2. Desktop Design

Figma: https://figma.com/file/fnUhskd1moNIQIefbwC0eknE/Desktop




9. License

  • MIT License
  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Thanks to Unsplash and The Noun Project.