
Problem ebsp.log running Coalescent Extended Bayesian Skyline

arenvale opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Walter!
I have performed a run in Beast2 with a Coalescent Extended Bayesian Skyline model. I have opened the ebsp.log (the file used to plot the demographic history posterior) with Tracer but I get what is observed in the figure.
The .log file generated in the run looks fine.
I don't know if this is normal or I should modify the parameters of the run to be able to observe the convergence of the parameters in this file.
I'm using Windows 10.
If you could help me I would appreciate it.

I think you picked up the wrong log file. There are normally 2 log files, one is to log the parameter states of MCMC, which is named as "mystery.log" in the tutorial XML <logger id="tracelog" fileName="mystery.log" logEvery="100000" model="@posterior" .... It is the log file for Tracer. But the "EBSP.log" from <logger id="EBSPLogger" fileName="EBSP.log" ... is a EBSP developer custom format, which cannot be loaded properly by Tracer.

Ok, great! I already opened the file similar to the "mystery.log" and it seems to have been a good run, but I thought I also had to check the ebsp.log file.
Thank you very much!