- amickanRadboudumc
- arrietafernando
- asimumbaFreelance
- claire-whiting
- CruelessFish
- danangcrysnantoETH Zürich
- DrDeceptionGoldsmiths, University of London
- EhoumanEvansUNA
- emmaSkarstein
- fderyckelLusaka, Zambia
- funwell
- inigourrestarazu
- Jashwanth-Gowda-R
- javedali99University of Central Florida
- jeanprado@greenpeace e @R-Ladies-Sao-Paulo
- jeremyfpriceIndiana University School of Education-Indianapolis
- jhylin
- joel-beckHUK-Coburg
- Jonyond-lin
- jsacco1Revolution Medicines
- juansanarBenchSci
- le-huynhNagasaki University
- lisalevinsonUniversity of Michigan
- marinamerloUSP
- paulobarrosJequié, BA, Brazil
- pedroceciliocnRecife - PE
- phpawaskarMumbai India
- rchaputLyon, France
- rreareyesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- samanthacsikUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
- scoutcleonard
- shahnawaz323Grenoble
- SoyAndreaR-Ladies Global
- stefanycoxeFlorida International University
- taghbio
- yashpatel-pyUnited States, Illinois