
Streaming sequence classification with web services ✓📌

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

tictax: streaming sequence classification with web services

PyPI version

Fast and convenient lowest common ancestor (LCA) assignment from command line or Python using One Codex and EBI APIs. Capable of ~100 requests/s with the wind blowing in the right direction.

Scientific names and lineages are retrieved using the EBI taxonomy API and annotated within fasta description fields for easy viewing and parsing.

Tictax currently supports One Codex classification only. BLAST-based LCA (slow, sensitive) coming soon

Command line usage

$ tictax kmer-lca test.fa

Tictax demo

$ tictax kmer-lca --progress test.fa > test.tt.fa

Tictax demo with progress

Built-in help

$ tictax -h
usage: tictax [-h] {kmer-lca} ...

positional arguments:
    kmer-lca  Lowest common ancestor sequence assignment using the One Codex
              API. Streams annotated records to stdout in fasta format. Taxa
              assigned using the One Codex 31mer LCA database.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
$ tictax kmer-lca -h
usage: tictax kmer-lca [-h] [-f] [-p] seqs-path

    Lowest common ancestor sequence assignment using the One Codex API.
    Streams annotated records to stdout in fasta format.
    Taxa assigned using the One Codex 31mer LCA database.

positional arguments:
  fasta-path      path to fasta formatted input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -f, --fastq     input is fastq; disable autodetection (default: False)
  -p, --progress  show progress bar (sent to stderr) (default: False)

Python API

kmer_lca_records(seqs_path, one_codex_api_key, fastq=False, progress=False)

  • Returns Biopython SeqRecords with tictax annotations as the description attribute
  • LCAs are assigned using an LCA index of 31mers from the One Codex database
import tictax

records = tictax.parse_seqs('test.fa') # Biopython SeqRecord generator 
records_classified = tictax.kmer_lca_records(records, one_codex_api_key) # List of SeqRecords
print(records_classified.format('fasta')) # Generate multifasta


Requires Python 3.5+. Installs with pip.

pip3 install tictax


Feel free to open issues and PRs, else tweet or mail me via b àt bede dawt im.

Todo ✓📌

  • blast-lca command - add BLAST LCA functionality
  • Switch to semicolon delimiters
  • Add in onecodexrt / ebiblastn
  • kmer-lca command --out option for two column id to LCA info
  • abundance command for generating taxonomic abundances matrices at a specified rank
  • Stream input from stdin
  • Useaiohttp.errors for exception handling
  • Option to return records as async generator
  • Support fastq and gzip input