This library helps you to upgrade your existing project to Unity 2018.
using Unity2018UpgradeTools;
using UnityEditor;
public class Unity2018Upgrading
[MenuItem("Assets/Analyze Shader Usage")]
static void Analyze()
.SearchMaterials(new[] { "Assets/Materials" })
This will generate logs in console that indicates which shaders are used by materials.
It's useful to find shaders/materials you should rewrite for SRP compatible.
using Unity2018UpgradeTools;
using UnityEditor;
public class Unity2018Upgrading
[MenuItem("Assets/Bulk Update Shaders")]
static void BulkUpdate()
.SearchMaterials(new[] { "Assets/Materials" })
This will update a shader of materials that has a specified shader to new shader.
using Unity2018UpgradeTools;
using UnityEditor;
public class Unity2018Upgrading
[MenuItem("Assets/Bulk Update Particles in Assets")]
static void UpdateParticlesInAssets()
.Search(new[] { "Assets/Materials" })
[MenuItem("Assets/Bulk Update Particles in Scene")]
static void UpdateParticlesInScene()
This will update particle systems that has billboard render mode to use mesh & GPU Instancing.
using Unity2018UpgradeTools;
using UnityEditor;
public class Unity2018Upgrading
[MenuItem("Assets/Bulk Update Missing GPU Instancing/Dry Run")]
static void ShowMissingGPUInstancing()
.SearchMaterials(new[] { "Assets/Materials" })
[MenuItem("Assets/Bulk Update Missing GPU Instancing/Run")]
static void UpdateMissingGPUInstancing()
.SearchMaterials(new[] { "Assets/Materials" })
This will find materials with a shader that has a GPU Instancing variant but with a Enable GPU Instancing
field is off.
Dry Run
will display such materials in console.Run
will set material'sEnable GPU Instancing
to on.