
C# port of John Walkers code for the color rendering of spectra

Primary LanguageC#


This is a C# port of the C code to be found on John Walker's webpage titled Colour Rendering of Spectra. The code can be used to compute RGB values for temperatures based on a Black-Body-Model. It is a C# port of the original C-program "specrend.c".

Please do not bother the original author with questions regarding the C# version.

I did not do any original research on the topic. I did not intent to modify any logic. I cannot guarantee that i did not make mistakes while porting it. Like the original this program is in the public domain

The following is the original Copyright message from specrend.c (slightly reformatted)

Colour Rendering of Spectra by John Walker (http://www.fourmilab.ch/)

Last updated: March 9, 2003

This program is in the public domain.

For complete information about the techniques employed in this program, see the World-Wide Web document:


The xyz_to_rgb() function, which was wrong in the original version of this program, was corrected by:

Andrew J. S. Hamilton 21 May 1999

who also added the gamma correction facilities and modified constrain_rgb() to work by desaturating the colour by adding white.

A program which uses these functions to plot CIE "tongue" diagrams called "ppmcie" is included in the Netpbm graphics toolkit:


(The program was called cietoppm in earlier versions of Netpbm.)