
Remote worker to process benchmark reports.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


This repository holds the code for computing statistics from the results of a Benchttp run.

It is deployed as a piece of software independant from the other parts making our system.

The main function defined by worker is deployed and run as a stateless invocation inside Google Cloud Functions and is triggered by Cloud events.

Invocation flow

  • a user executes the runner process on their machine via benchttp run command
  • the results are posted to Benchttp server and a Report is created inside Cloud Firestore
  • the create event is dispatched to Google Cloud Functions and worker.Digest runs
  • the results are saved inside a SQL persistence layer
    |        |
    | runner |
    |        |
    +--------+     /-----------\               +--------+     /-----------\
    |        |     |           |               |        |     |           |
    | server | --> | firestore | ---trigger--> | worker | --> | sql layer |
    |        |     |           |               |        |     |           |
    +--------+     \-----------/               +--------+     \-----------/


The infrastructure code defining the deployment of worker is located inside benchttp/infra.



Run the linter:

We use golangci-lint in our CI.

make lint
# alias to:
# golangci-lint run


Run all tests:

make tests
# alias to:
# go test -v -timeout 30s ./...

Run a specific test passing t to specify a test and p to specify a package (parameters are independent):

make test t=TestCompute p=stats
# alias to:
# go test -v -timeout 30s -run TestCompute ./stats