CarRacing Transfer Learning

ESE 650 Final Project Visualization

Benedict Florance Arockiaraj, Richard Change, Wesley Yee University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2022


This repo contains scripts to train various transfer learning algorithms as well as to visualize the trained transfer learning algorithms.

Other Repositories:


For this project, the individual contributions were as follows:

  • Benedict: literature review, customized and trained base and transfer learning RL algorithms (Dreamerv2, SB3) and selected the best models/obtained plots, report writing
  • Richard: literature review, parameter tuning for customized Carracing gym environments, and analysis on each model's performance, report writing
  • Wesley: literature review, customizing Carracing gym environments, running and development of best model visualizations, report writing

Training the models

We utilized 3 model-free transfer learning algorithms for this project: DDPG, PPO, SAC. The 3 scripts labeled

are used to generate and train each respective algorithm. In order to run one, simply run the following prefix followed by a set number of required input parameters


These input parameters are as follows:

  • logdir: the directory to which you want logs to be outputted to
  • game_mode: for the CarRacing OpenAI environment, these can be either "high_friction", "high_accel", or "slow_braking"
  • train_map_id: the random seed number for which the training map will be generated
  • eval_map_id: the random seed number for which the evaluation map will be generated
  • load_path: the directory to which the model will be saved for checkpointing purposes

Visualizing the models

The 3 scripts which allow you to visualize and save the models are labeled:

Note that in order to run these scripts, the library stable_baselines3 and ffmpeg should already be installed. Additionally, the models for each respective TL algorithm should already be saved in a .zip file under the following folder directory structure:
| ...
| ...

Next, simply run each visualization script in the same manner as the training scripts, with the following arguments:

  • logdir: the directory to which you want logs to be outputted to
  • game_mode: for the CarRacing OpenAI environment, these can be either "high_friction", "high_accel", or "slow_braking"
  • eval_map_id: the random seed number for which the evaluation map will be generated
  • model: the name of the transfer learning model being used (used for saving/loading)

The videos will be automatically saved in a folder labeled videos in the same folder as the project directory.