
A C#/.Net Testing Practice Project: A program that instantiates interrelated Rectangle and Cube objects (objects within objects)

Primary LanguageC#


A C# Testing Practice Project , March 4, 2020

By Benjamin Thom


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Project Specifications

Behavior Input Output

Setup/Installation Requirements

In Terminal:

  • Navigate to where you want this application to be saved, i.e.: cd desktop
  • Clone the file from GitHub with HTTPS git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/REPO-NAME.git
  • Open file in your preferred text editor
  • On Mac: open -a {your text editor} Shapes.Solution
  • On Windows: ```Shapes.Solution``

Download Manually:

  • Navigate to https://github.com/USERNAME/REPO-NAME.
  • Click the green "Clone or Download" button.
  • Click "Download ZIP".
  • Click downloaded file to unzip.
  • Open folder called "Shapes.Solution".

Note For Editors:

  • Download the .NET Core SDK Software Development Kit
  • Open the .Net Core SDK file and install
  • To confirm installation was successful, run the $ dotnet --version command in your terminal
  • Install dotnet script, run the $ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script command in your terminal
  • Restart your terminal to complete installation, and run then navigate into your test directory and run $ dotnet restore command to run application within your terminal.
  • Following this, from the test directory, run $ dotnet test to run all tests.

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time.

Support and contact details

Have a bug or an issue with this application? Open a new issue here on GitHub.

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .Net Core
  • MSTest



Copyright (c) 2020 Benjamin Thom