Pinned Repositories
C#/.Net Core MVC application that utilizes RESTfully named routes, includes CRUD functionality,
Create a website for booking appointments with you. Users should be able to enter their name, a description of the appointment, the appointment date, and start/end times. After they submit the form, tell them the booking was successful. You might try using a modal to do this, or redirect to a different page that contains the text "Booking Successful"! (Note that you won't be able to move data you got from your user from page to page just yet.)
A website where users may enter a medical issue (ie: “sore throat”, "rash", etc.) into a form, submit it, and receive a list of doctors in Portland who can treat their medical issue.
A React-Redux web application that utilizes Firestore
An application for discovering recipes based on the ingredients a user has utilizing the spoontacular API. and BigOven API
A C#/ASP.Net web application that utilizes many-to-many relationships, stores user data through the use of MySQL and Entity Framework Core, and manages and stores user accounts with ASP.NET Core Identity.
A ReactJS community trading app that allows users to trade items based on an item's perceived monetary value - focused on ease of use.
A React website that monitors, updates, and manages the shared state of a taproom's inventory utilizing Redux.
benjamin-thompdx's Repositories
An application for discovering recipes based on the ingredients a user has utilizing the spoontacular API. and BigOven API
A website where users may enter a medical issue (ie: “sore throat”, "rash", etc.) into a form, submit it, and receive a list of doctors in Portland who can treat their medical issue.
A React-Redux web application that utilizes Firestore
A ReactJS community trading app that allows users to trade items based on an item's perceived monetary value - focused on ease of use.
A React website that monitors, updates, and manages the shared state of a taproom's inventory utilizing Redux.
A React-Redux application with a Firebase database
Dino Ipsum Explore this API to allow your users to generate dinosaur themed Lorem Ipsum. Use it any way you like - you could create a dinosaur themed game along the lines of hangman. Note: Be sure you set your output format to JSON, not HTML or text.
A haiku is a poem that consists of three lines. The first has five syllables, the second has seven, and the third has five. Start by creating an application that checks whether a poem is in fact a haiku. If you have time, build out your application so that it can randomly generate haikus. This project provides an excellent opportunity for BDD with Jest. Your logic should verify that the poem has three lines. Your logic should verify English syllable rules (and exceptions) one at a time. A quick Google search will provide information on English syllable rules. If you successfully complete a Haiku checker, continue to build out your application to randomly generate haikus. Make sure you test your application for each new rule you implement.
Practice using setInterval() within a Jest/Webpack testing enviroment
Webpack and npm practice | Create a journaling website where a user can write entries including at least a title and body. Create Entry objects that include a method to return the number of words in the entry. Then, add a separate method (or methods) to return the number of vowels and consonants in each entry. Call each of these methods from your front-end file to display their return values. Finally, add a method called getTeaser to return the first sentence of the entry. If the sentence is over 8 words, only display those first 8 words. Be sure to call this method from your front-end file to display the results as well, whenever a new journal entry is created.
Practice with Test Driven Development and Environments with JavaScript
A solar year lasts 365 days on planet Earth. However, the length of a solar year varies from planet to planet. For instance, a solar year on Mercury lasts 88 days. Write an application that determines a user’s age based on a planet’s solar years. You are not required to build a UI for this application. Instead, focus on thoroughly testing each piece of functionality. Make sure to commit a TDD spec before writing the corresponding method; in this way, you'll be following a Red, Green, Refactor workflow. Remember to include at least one test for each spec and that, typically, we'll only want one expectation per test. The business logic of your application should: Take a person’s age in years and create a class that does the following: Returns their age in Mercury years. (A Mercury year is .24 Earth years.) Returns their age in Venus years. (A Venus year is .62 Earth years.) Returns their age in Mars years. (A Mars year is 1.88 Earth years.) Returns their age in Jupiter years. (A Jupiter year is 11.86 Earth years.) Determines how many years a user has left to live on each planet… (yikes!) To do this, the application will have to calculate the user’s life expectancy. You can determine average life expectancy as you see fit. A simple way to do this would be to have the user input the average life expectancy for their demographic. A more involved way to do this would be to collect other information from the user (e.g. lifestyle, country of residence, activity level, etc.) to determine their life expectancy. If a user has already surpassed the average life expectancy, return the number of years they have lived past the life expectancy.
Week 3 | Intro to React-Redux
Week 3 | Intro to React-Redux + Moment.js functionality
Did You Get Eaten? Continue to build out the logic from the game in this weekend’s lessons. Add levels, difficulty settings and different items. In addition to the bear’s food level, consider adding other levels such as a mood level, sleep level, etc.
MERN stack practice
Create a coin counter application that takes X amount of money (such as $4.99) and determines the exact amount of change needed in quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. Do not worry about adding a user interface to the application. Instead, focus on writing good tests and functional code. Part 1 Create a coin counter function that uses recursion to solve the problem. Part 2 Create a coin counter function that uses a closure that can be used with functions for each type of change (quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies).
A C#/ASP.Net web application that utilizes a one-to-many relationship, stores user data through the use of MySQL and Entity Framework Core, and manages and stores user accounts with ASP.NET Core Identity.
Test It Out Choose an application you built in Intro (such as Roman Numeral, Pig Dice, or Triangle Tracker). Refactor the application to include the following: Complete unit tests with Jest. Aim for 100% test coverage. Complete separation of logic (UI logic in one file, business logic in another). You may even need to refactor some of your logic to make it more testable! If you aren’t able to test UI logic, consider ways that logic could be refactored and moved into your business logic file. Practice with Jest and testing is your top priority!
A React and Redux application that allows users to play hangman
A ReactJS help queue application to track Sufferfest customer requests
A website built in React to monitor and update a taproom's inventory.
A modern development environment template for writing automated tests (before writing logic). This template uses Webpack to scaffold large JavaScript projects, Jest for writing coded, automated tests, and additional Webpack tools like module bundling (to keep code bases neat) and linting (to quickly spot errors in our code). To use: download or clone this GitHub repository, open test-driven-dev-boilerplate, run $ npm install after cloning our project down to install necessary dependencies in your own node_modules directory.
MVC client with full CRUD functionality that will interact with the TravelRating.Solution API