PrésiData 2022

This repository lists websites or other repository, which provide raw data or data analysis related to the 2022 French presidential elections.

Data Sources


NSPPolls collects all published polls.

Speaking time of candidates

csatimer proposes a machine-readable version of the data published by the csa. It contains data on how much each candidat and its support spoke in the main national French media.


The folder manifesto contains the manifestos of the most important candidates.


The list of local sponsors supporting the candidates, published by the French constituional council and updated twice a week can be found here


Comparing candidates’ proposals

The décodeurs from Le Monde propose a dashboard to compare the proposal of the candidates.

The underlying data is available in the tabular format here.

Candidates’ sponsorship

To confirm their candidacy, candidates to the French presidential elections need to be sponsored by at least 500 local elected officials. The décodeurs tracks down how many sponsors each candidate received.

Electoral pledges from 2017

On, journalists listed all pledges formulated by Macron during the previous election. For each pledge, they coded whether it was fullfilled and commented the state of fullfillment.