Benjamin Tillett

Software developer passionate about clean, well-designed code.

About Me

After studying in Physics at the University of Manchester, I spent a few years teaching English, travelling, and setting up various businesses. I then turned my hand to coding...

Coding Experience

MyRecovery August 2015 - May 2017

MyRecovery is a MedTech startup that builds apps that act as a digital companion for orthopaedic surgery.

I was the first developer hired at MyRecovery, I worked closely with the CTO to build the first version of the app which was cross platform and built using Ionic, Angular 1, html and css. The first version of the app was shipped to both iOS and Android devices and was successfully trialled at hospitals throughout the UK. As Google were working on a major upgrade to Angular it was decided that we wanted to be early adopters and move away from Angular 1 to Angular 2 instead - I lead on this rebuild of the app.

After more successful trials we received seed funding, this enabled us to expand the team and bring in more roles and specialisms . We hired a new CTO who had a lot of industry experience building mobile apps and also had worked on large health apps such as Touch Surgery. It was decided that in order to most easily harness devices' capabilities it would be necessary to re-wright the apps natively using Swift and Java. I worked very closely with him during this re-write and then left in May 2017 after the successful completion of both of the native apps.

MyRecovery is a data driven startup. It works on the collection and integration of healthcare data. I worked with the data science team to ensure high data quality, compliance with Legislation in the UK and US including HIPPA and the UK data protection act as well as implementing system best practices for information governance. I worked to integrate it with the wider MedTech ecosystem including Apple HeathKit, Google Fit and Open mHealth.

At MyRecovery we practiced an agile work flow. With 2 week sprints and monthly retrospectives. I was responsible for introducing test driven development to the mobile projects. I also worked with the backend developers to introduce TDD on their projects as well.

Technologies Used at MyRecovery

  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Swift
  • Java
  • Python
  • Html
  • Css
  • Sass
  • Ionic 1 and 2
  • Angular 1,2 and 4
  • Cordova
  • Django
  • Node
  • Pandas
  • XCode
  • Android Studio
  • Jira
  • Redux
  • Jasmine
  • XCTest
  • JUnit

MyGravity Nov 2014 - June 2015

Two weeks after graduating from Makers Academy I found a job working for personal data startup My Gravity. I spent eight months building the cross platform solution.

I was predominately building high performance restfull api's in ruby, grape and goliath. For our mobile and web applications.

Along the way I have been responsible for:

  • Building a custom searchable encryption gem for Mongodb.
  • Building a custom batch job processor to tranfer data between our multiple api's in ruby and mongo.
  • Building a javascript heavy sinatra based web app that enables our customer to view usage data from their rewards schemes

Technologies Used at My Gravity

  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Sinatra
  • Rails
  • Grape
  • Goliath
  • Mongodb
  • Jasmine
  • Rspec
  • Capybara
  • Cucumber
  • Linux
  • Bash
  • Html
  • Erb
  • Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • New Relic
  • Code Ship

Coding History

Spark Print Chiiter Node Chat
Final project @Makers Academy. A WiFi-enabled printer using Spark Core. Click here to view the site Week 6 challenge @Makers Academy was to write a clone of Twitter using Sinatra. Here is my attempt. (In progress) I am currently writing a chat application using node.js and web sockets to try and get my head around node. Check it out here

I completed the MitX 6.00x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python and was inspired to follow a carrear in programming. Since then, I have completed various online programming courses in C, Ruby, and Python.

Makers Academy

Makers Academy is a highly selective, immersive web development bootcamp in London, focussed on rapidly training novices to be proficient with key web technologies.



  • Swift
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Scheme
  • HTML5, CSS3
  • Touched on: Io, Clojure, C++, C


  • Test Driven Development
  • Behaviour Driven Development
  • Agile
  • SOLID principles


  • RSpec
  • Capybara
  • Cucumber/Gherkin
  • Jasmine
  • Mocha, Zombie
  • JUnit
  • XCTest


  • Angular
  • Redux
  • Node
  • Express
  • Django
  • Sinatra
  • Rails


Parklife / Mad Ferret Festival (Director / Event Manager)

In 2008 while studying at the University of Manchester, I founded a music festival Parkilfe which is now a multi-million dollar company. In the two years as Director I was ultimately responsible for the event licensing, police, security, and production. We took it from a non-entity in 2007 to a event that turned over half a million pounds over two days in 2009.

International House Bogota (English Teacher)

In 2011, I completed the University of Cambridge's month-long Celta course and spent a year teaching English in Bogotá, Colombia. My students included executives from Siemens, GlaxoSmithKline and Hoffmann-La Roche.

London Olympics 2012 (Crew Manager)

I spent a year managing crews at the London Olympics, predominantly the teams assisting with Ridel Communications, who were installing communications systems for the broadcasting companies.

Get in touch


Phone: +44 7427 532 717