
Show a status summary of multiple Git repositories

Primary LanguageShell


gis is a Bash script which shows a status summary of multiple Git repositories.

It was inspired by wstool, vcstool and the default Starship prompt.



Usage: gis [OPTIONS] [PATHS] ...

Show a status summary of all Git repositories in PATHS.
The colon-seperated environment variable $GIS_PATH is used if no PATH is given.
If the variable isn't set, the current work directory is used.

  -f, --fetch  Execute 'git fetch --prune --all' for all repositories in PATHS
  -h, --help   Show this help message and exit


Place the gis script somewhere in your $PATH or use the provided install.{bash,zsh} scripts. Those will create a symlink in ~/.local/bin and update the respective ~/.{bash,zsh}rc.

Nix Flake

This repository is also a Nix Flake. gis is provided as package under github:Deleh/gis#gis.