
An API to make relevant queries to an edited Geoname-DB instance.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Beware! This is a whole django project. If you want to install the database as an app to your project, please check out https://github.com/benmaier/django-rkigeonameapi/.


Django-webapp for easy access to a hierarchical geo-location database.


This project is published under the MIT license. It uses the geoname-data which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Install and Deployment

Only tested with Python 3.7.


Create a virtual environment

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Django-specific things

The secret key has to be located at $(HOME)/.inig/secret_key_geonames.txt.


Make sure to have installed the modified version of the Geoname-DB beforehand. This app expects an instance of MySQL 8.0. The configuration file should look like this

CREATE SCHEMA `rkigeonames` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rkigeonames.* TO 'rkigeonames'@'localhost';
GRANT SELECT ON geonames.* TO 'rkigeonames'@'localhost';

The configuration file should look like this.

host = ...
port = ...
user = ...
password = ...
database = rkigeonames
default-character-set = utf8mb4

and has to be located at $(HOME)/.inig/mysql/rki_geonames_db.cnf.

Note that this project renames the name property of all locations to contain their most common German name. If you don't want this, you should edit the file sql_setup_files/geonamemigration.sql and replace all occurrences of isoLanguage = 'de' for the language you want to use. In order to use the original English name, set isoLanguage = 'XXXXX' or something similarly non-sensical (the script automatically uses the English name for any location for which it cannot find a name in the demanded language).

Initialize the project

After installing Geoname-DB, edit the following line in the Makefile according to your needs:


Start the data migration and initialization by running

make resetdatabase

Create a superuser

make superuser

Run the server

make runserver

Login as an admin at http://localhost:8000/admin or http://localhost:8000/login


The Geoname-Database is an open-source dataset containing an exhaustive list of places on earth. The database contains information about a variety of properties and relationships of these places such as alternative names in multiple languages, positional data, and hierarchical relationships (e.g. to which country oder administrative division a place belongs).

This project provides a simple interface to this database which allows a user to easily retrieve data and to edit hierarchical relationships.


A Geoname is a main geographical entity. It could be a populated place, a country or something else.

API endpoints

Admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/geonameapi/geoname/


Action Link Description
list/create http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geoname/ Show a JSON list of all Geoname-objects and add an entry
view/update http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geoname/int:pk Show a single Geoname-object associated with the primary key as JSON
search http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geonamesearch/SEARCHSTRING Show all Geoname-objects whose name and englishname contain the SEARCHSTRING
exhaustive search http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geonameexhaustivesearch/SEARCHSTRING Show all Geoname-objects whose alternatenames or englishname start with the SEARCHSTRING
search by feature code http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geonamesearch/SEARCHSTRING?fcode=ADM1,PCLI As above, but only show geonames whose feature code is in the list of feature codes provided in the URL
exhaustive search by feature code http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geonameexhaustivesearch/SEARCHSTRING?fcode=ADM1,PCLI See definitions above

A Geoname can always contain multiple children (think of a US state containing cities). Here's how you control those hierarchical relationships

Admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/geonameapi/hierarchy/


Action Link Description
update http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geonamechildren/int:pk Show (GET) and update (PATCH) the children of a single Geoname-object
view specific http://localhost:8000/geonameapi/geonamefcodechildren/int:pk?fcode=ADM1,ADM2 Show all children of a single Geoname-object that are associated with any of the specified feature codes

Feature codes

Each Geoname is associated with a feature code. Here are the most relevant ones with explanations

Admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/geonameapi/featurecode


Continents and regions

These are objectes that usually contain multiple countries

fcode name description
CONT continent continent: Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Oceania, Antarctica
RGN region an area distinguished by one or more observable physical or cultural characteristics

A region might also contain other places but this won't be of interest in this application.


These are used as synonyms for countries

fcode name
PCLI independent political entity
TERR territory
PCLD dependent political entity


These are used as synonyms for cities/villages/places that are neither countries nor regions nor administrative sections.

fcode name description
PPLC capital of a political entity
PPL populated place a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
PPLA seat of a first-order administrative division seat of a first-order administrative division (PPLC takes precedence over PPLA)
PPLX section of populated place

Administrative divisions

These are hierarchically decreasing administrative divisions of a country

fcode name description
ADM1 first-order administrative division a primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States
ADM2 second-order administrative division a subdivision of a first-order administrative division
ADM3 third-order administrative division a subdivision of a second-order administrative division
ADM4 fourth-order administrative division a subdivision of a third-order administrative division
ADM5 fifth-order administrative division a subdivision of a fourth-order administrative division


Custom regions are shortcuts for improved handling/grouping of countries.

Admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/geonameapi/region/


You may want to alter a region's children countries by using


The database holds specific info about countries.

Admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/geonameapi/country/



The database holds specific info about continents.

Admin: http://localhost:8000/admin/geonameapi/continent/