
Simple code to playback a sound file (via MATLAB/Psychtoolbox) when an MRI trigger is sent


How to use it

Start the main.m function, select your audio file, then the script wait for a key to be pressed to start the audio playback.
To stop the playback before the end, use the ForceStopPlayback.m function.

Need to adapt the scripts to your setup ?

The main.m function is quite easy to read and commented, it's easy to modify for your own setup.


Psychtoolbox : http://psychtoolbox.org/
(StimTemplate : https://github.com/benoitberanger/StimTemplate.git)


Should be independ, because it's base on psychtoolbox functions


MATLAB : tested on R2011a, superior versions should be fine
Octave : Class definition (the '@' directories) is made for MATLAB but not for Octave

Conveniente setup

For more convenience, add your .wav (or .mp3 if audioread is available for your version of MATLAB) in the directory.


used for fMRI projects @ CENIR-ICM, Paris
CENIR : http://www.cenir.org/
ICM : http://icm-institute.org/


Development : Benoît Béranger (CENIR-ICM, Paris)