This repository contains the build files for the nextflow-gcloud Docker image, which contains nextflow and gcloud.
To build the Docker image:
make build
You must set your Google Cloud account and project when running the image. I have not yet figured out how to fully authenticate a project during the build process. Here are the steps to follow:
export CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT="<project>"
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="nextflow-service-account-private-key.json"
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}
To run the minibench Nextflow pipeline with Google Cloud:
# run pipeline
export NXF_MODE="google"
nextflow run bentsherman/minibench \
-profile google \
-resume \
--google_bucket "gs://nextflow-data/work" \
--google_zone "us-central1-c"
# download work directory
gsutil -m cp -r gs://nextflow-data/work .
gsutil -m rm -r gs://nextflow-data/work