
./configure && make

Note that for the binary-only release you should not run make -- just run configure to download the relevant pin release.

Using the Tool

The tool only supports being run from the source root of hbpintool.

From the hbpintool directory run these commands to profile your GraphIt program:

  1. source SOURCE_THIS
  2. ./hbpintool /path/to/your/graphit/program [your-graphit-program-arguments]

You should find the output in a file called hbpintool.out

Compile with -O3

You'll get more accurate measurements if aggresive compiler optimizations are turned on.

Preventing Compiler Inlining

For accuracy the tool relies on the GraphIt generated edgeset_apply function being defined in the program executable.

However, depending on how the GraphIt C++ output was compiled, this function may have been inlined.

To keep this from happening, open the .cpp file generated by and add __attribute__((noinline)) to the definition of the templated edgeset_apply function (the exact name depends on the GraphIt schedules used).

Serial Code Only

This tool is only written to profile serial code (Don't compile the GraphIt program with -fopenmp).

The models it uses to calculate energy factors in the parallelism for the relevant hardware.

Intel 64

This tool can only run on Intel x86_64 processors.

Evaluating GraphIt programs called by Python3

This requires that the GraphIt shared object be compiled e.g.

Invoke hbpintool like this:

./hbpintool --gtdll /path/to/your/graphit/ `which python3` /path/to/your/python/ [your-python-script-arguments]`

Note that the which python3 expands to the absolute path to your Python interpreter and it takes the place of your program in the invocation.

Do NOT invoke hbpintool on your python script directly. It will not work!