
This repository is an iOS project that includes iOS and Unity communication.

Primary LanguageSwift

iOS-Unity Communication

This repository is an iOS project that includes iOS and Unity communication.
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Communicate with a Unity game embedded in a SwiftUI iOS App »

Table Of Contents

1. Technologies

  1. Unity
  2. UnityFramework
  3. NativeCallProxy

2. Steps to Embed a Unity Game into an iOS Application

  1. Create an Unity project.
  2. Export the Unity project.
  3. Drag and drop the Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj file to the iOS workspace.
  4. Add a new framework to the iOS workspace:
General >
Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content >
Click the + button >
Select the UnityFramework.framework from the list.
NOTE You must connect and run on a real device to successful build.

3. iOS to Unity Communication

  1. Create a struct called UnityMessage.
struct UnityMessage {
    let objectName: String?
    let methodName: String?
    let messageBody: String?
  1. Create a cache array for cases where Unity is not initialized.
var cachedMessages = [UnityMessage]()
  1. Create a sendMessage function to sending message to Unity.
  • Object Name: Name of Unity object.
  • Method Name: Name of Unity method.
  • Message: Message to Unity.
func sendMessage(_ objectName: String, methodName: String, message: String) {
    let msg: UnityMessage = UnityMessage(
        objectName: objectName,
        methodName: methodName,
        messageBody: message)

    // Send the message right away if Unity is initialized, else cache it
    if isInitialized {
            withName: msg.objectName,
            functionName: msg.methodName,
            message: msg.messageBody)
    } else {
  1. Send message to Unity.
    methodName: "SetBallColor",
    message: "red")

4. Unity to iOS Communication

  1. Create a NativeCallProxy.h file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@protocol NativeCallsProtocol
- (void) sendMessageToMobileApp:(NSString*)message;
// other methods

__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
@interface FrameworkLibAPI : NSObject
+(void) registerAPIforNativeCalls:(id<NativeCallsProtocol>) aApi;

  1. Create a NativeCallProxy.mm file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NativeCallProxy.h"

@implementation FrameworkLibAPI

id<NativeCallsProtocol> api = NULL;
+(void) registerAPIforNativeCalls:(id<NativeCallsProtocol>) aApi
    api = aApi;


extern "C"
    void sendMessageToMobileApp(const char* message)
        return [api sendMessageToMobileApp:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:message]];
  1. Add NativeCallProxy.h and NativeCallProxy.mm files to the Unity.
  2. Create a bridging header file in the iOS project.
#import <UnityFramework/NativeCallProxy.h>
  1. Send message to the iOS project using NativeAPI in the Unity project.
public class NativeAPI {
    public static extern void sendMessageToMobileApp(string message);

public void ButtonPressed()
    NativeAPI.sendMessageToMobileApp("The button has been tapped " + pressCount.ToString() + " times!");

  1. Implement the NativeCallsProtocol in the iOS project. And get message from Unity using sendMessage() function.
extension ViewController: NativeCallsProtocol {
    func sendMessage(toMobileApp message: String) {

3. Application Overview
