3M Whiteboard

A whiteboard project with additional features such as:

  • Object and Post-it ® Note Recogition
  • Timelapse and Meeting Minute generation
  • Transcript searching, word cloud generation

In the future, the project will be utilized through a web application, to which data (image, transcripts, etc) will be sent to and receieved from.


When installing, please ensure to check off 'ADD PYTHON.EXE to PATH' in Install Settings

To install a .whl file, cd into the directory it is installed in, and type pip install {{filename}}

string protip = "type pip install + 1st letter of the file name, and hit tab until you see the filename pop up";
bool user_happy = true;

Pip Installs for Dependencies

Format pip install {{dependency name }}

  • speechrecongition
  • numpy
  • PIL
  • reportlab
  • wordcloud
  • Matplotlib

Installing OpenCV (Python)

Follow the 'Install from Prebuilt Binaries' instructions down to the letter.

How to Build

  1. Clone files from Github, or download zip and extract
  2. Open Command Prompt and cd (Change Directory) into download directory (i.e cd Desktop\3M_Whiteboard)
  3. Run python whiteboard.py



Bhairav Mehta - bhairavmehta95@gmail.com

Ryan Pfalz - rpfalz14@gmail.com