The RRT path planning algorithm is quite popular for its speed and implementation. The only downside to RRT is the optimality in the planning process, as the nodes are selected at random, different planning costs are obtained due to the metric function. Therefore an improvised heuristic RRT-A* algorithm is proposed for a mobile robot motion planning with non-holonomic constraints. This algorithm makes the performance optimal by introducing the cost of the A Start algorithm into the RRT algorithm. A mobile robot such as a turtle bot with a non-holonomic constraints has been used to implement this algorithm where simulation results have shown that the Manhattan heuristic information function based RRT-A* planning algorithm is better than the other improved RRT algorithms in the optimization path and computational cost.
│ ├───output images
│ └───Turtlebot Simulation.mp4
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
- Gazebo 9.1
- Turtlebot3 Packages
- numpy
- matplotlib.patches
- math
- rospy
- time
- heapq
- random
- sys
- pygame
- Turtlebot3 Packages
Paste the following commands line by line
mkdir planning_ws/src
source devel/setup.bash
git clone
git clone turtlebot3_msgs.git
git clone
cd ../ && catkin_make
echo "source ~/planning_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Clone this repository
git clone
- unzip the cloned repository
- paste the
package in your catkin workspace. - build the package using
- source it
source devel/setup.bash
- Run
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
in the Terminal - make the node executable, by navigating into the
folder and running the command chmod +x task
here task is the name of the executable.- launch the node and gazebo environment using
roslaunch project_5 proj.launch
- give clearance by typing in a value of
- The node will start running in a couple of seconds
- After the path is visualized, close the window for the cmd_vel to be published.
- The turtlebot will move to the goal in a minute.
RRT-Euclidean | RRT-Manhattan | Hybrid-RRT-Euclidean | Hybrid-RRT-Manhattan | |
Sparse Obstacles | ||||
Dense Obstacles |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Bharadwaj Chukkala
UID: 118341705
Bharadwaj Chukkala is currently a Master's student in Robotics at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD (Batch of 2023). His interests include Machine Learning, Perception and Path Planning.