The goal of this project is to implement a path planning algorithm for a rigid robot which uses A Star Search to find the goal node in the Configuration Space with Obstacles. The robot is a differential drive robot. In this case, a turtlebot is used.
Team Members |
Bharadwaj Chukkala |
Joseph Pranadeer Reddy Katakam |
- Python 3.6
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- argparse
- heapq
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where the repository is cloned
cd Path-Planning-for-a-differential-drive-robot-using-A-Star-Search-Algorithm
To Run the following command to run the code for only visualization of the path
- Run the python script with the following command
- Enter the inputs as prompted in the terminal
- The path will be visualized in a plot after a few seconds.
- Run the python script with the following command
To run the code for simulation of the robot in Gazebo through ROS:
- Copy paste the a_star_turtlebot package into the src folder of your catkin workspace
- Run the following commands in the terminal
cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make source devel/setup.bash roslaunch a_star_turtlebot proj.launch
- Enter the inputs as prompted in the terminal
- The robot will start moving towards the goal node
- To exit Gazebo press
in the terminal
This is the visualization of the path found by the A Star Search algorithm for a rigid robot which uses A Star Search to find the goal node in the Configuration Space with Obstacles. Click the below image to watch the video.
This is the simulation of the above robot in Gazebo through ROS. Click the below image to watch the video.
Bharadwaj Chukkala
UID: 118341705
Bharadwaj Chukkala is currently a Master's student in Robotics at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD (Batch of 2023). His interests include Machine Learning, Perception and Path Planning.