I'm Bharadwaj Chukkala

A Curious Robotics Software Engineer

I keep drowning in the ocean of knowledge just to find new things in its depth


- 🔭 I'm currently working in: Software Development for Robots, Path Planning and Perception for Autonomous Vehicles

- 👌 I’m highly proficient in: C++, Python, ROS, OOPs, AIP, Machine Learning

- 🔍 I’m interested in: Control Systems, Path Planning & Perception for Autonomous Robots
                        Machine Learning, Robotic Software Development
- 📫 Email: bchukkal@terpmail.umd.edu

📄 Resume: Click Here

Connect with me:

comicnerd07 bharadwaj-chukkala sir_caustic bchukkal

Languages and Tools:

arduino bash c cplusplus git html5 illustrator linux matlab opencv pandas photoshop python pytorch scikit_learn tensorflow

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