
Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause




This is a ROS package that contains a walker node which makes a Turtlebot perform obstacle avoidance. The node subscribes to the topic /scan to detect obstacle and uses this information to calculate and publish to the /mobile_base/commands/velocity topic.

Build and install the package

#Make catkin workspace
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
#Initialize catkin workspace
cd src/
#Clone package
git clone https://github.com/bharatm11/walker
cd ..
#Build Workspace

Running roslaunch

roslaunch walker walker.launch

By default, rosbag file recording is disabled. To run the node while recording the topics in a rosbag file, run:

roslaunch walker walker.launch record:=true

Rosbag playback

Now terminate the process and open three new terminals


Open another terminal

rosbag play ./results/myrosbag_2018-11-19-17-16-15.bag

Open another new terminal again

rostopic echo /scan

to view the recorded /scan topic

Note: The name of the rosbag file can be different. The turtlebot enviroment on Gazebo needs to be running to visualize the rosbag file. This can be done by running,

roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch


ROS kinetic