
Given the environment with obstacles, find a path from given starting and end points using BFS

Primary LanguageMATLAB

2. All other files(with extension of .m) are functions needed to run the source code
3. Program will ask input from user for target and goal points/nodes. 
4. Please allow 4-5 mins to run the code and give output of optimum path.
5. We can also check the nodeinfoset and Node output in "BFS_output.mat" file
6. Attached the image output of Start = (0,0) and target = (250,150).

                                       / \
  				      /   \
                                     /t2   \
			_________   /_______\       
			\	  /        /
			 \   t1  /  q1    /
			  \     /        /
			   \   /        / 
			    \ /________/
	Splitted the given non convex program like shown above,
	3 convex polygons are defined and half plane conceptis used
	for finding if point is inside polygons or outside.