
Barebones implementation of Markov chains for text generation.

Primary LanguagePython


Barebones implementation of Markov chains for text generation. No added dependencies or libraries.

In the clear yet?
In the middle of the woods yet?
Are we out of style
We never grow up
Oh, don't leave;
It's been you all along.
So, why can't tell anyone
That you've got a girl at home,
And everyone knows
That you’ll make it all this time I'm telling you,
Last time I'm wishing star
He's the song in the football team
But I do
Turn the lock and put my head down
Trying to figure out when I let you know it used to the garden to see you again


To get a taste, just clone the repo and run it with the default settings:

$ python markov.py
$ python markov.py --output_length 500  # Vary the length of the output

You can also run the word-based Markov chain which generates text word-by-word instead of character-by-character:

$ python markov.py --word_based 1

By default input_src is set to data/swift.txt, which contains the lyrics to Taylor Swift's complete discography. There are several examples provided in the directory to play around with.

$ python markov.py --input_src data/declaration-of-independence.txt
$ python markov.py --input_src data/bible.txt data/trump.txt   # Also supports multiple input sources!

We can increase state_size to try and teach more complex patterns. By default state_size is only 1, which severely limits the data used to predict words/characters in a sequence. For character-based Markov chains, this means that it can only look at the most recent character to guess the next.

$ python markov.py --state_size 10  # This uses the last 10 words/characters to predict the next

We can also prompt the Markov chain, though this doesn't do much unless your prompt includes a phrase/chunk that is present in the input data.

$ python markov.py --prompt "establish justice, " --input_src data/preamble.txt

To store the generated text, we can save it to an output file:

$ python markov.py --output_file output.txt

How it works

The script processes the text from input_src and tracks how frequently each character/word appears following the previous sequence of characters/words of length state_size. Each prediction only uses the previous state in order to predict the next state, which makes this a Markov chain. More on Markov chains here. The character-based implementation is only about 45 lines long, but when properly tuned it can still learn syntax surprisingly well. With a state_size of only 1, we get gibberish:

Ares thou for ove gh
Sare he it you't I'r acate stitas y, thind hacke aghohautch s t d m ckest ley w, don'r bl sthe n alyolela yofume ho fr oong t d ad
Ar s s s kssat a I'mevele ppe gangr r, il w
Satemyou me h, seee d.
Aninicowarisstas whe rouchisatimy, clyoplasapyo

At a state_size of around 5 or so, we begin to see reasonably coherent text. I've found that a state_size of 8 produces the most optimal results for swift.txt, which is why it's the default setting. As we increase the state_size beyond 15 or so the output looks almost identical, which is because the Markov chain just starts reproducing the original data:

So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game

The word-based implementation is pretty similar (with scaled down state_size values) except the spacing is hard-coded. While the two can produce similar results on certain inputs, the word-based implementation has the advantage with smaller input files since the character-based implementation needs fairly large datasets to learn the syntax. However, the character-based implementation is more flexible/generalizable:

第一百三十条 民族自治地方。
第六十二条 国有经济的合法权利和利益,保护珍贵的动物和植物。
禁止任何组织或者个人依照中华人民共和国实行依法治国家。 社会主义初级阶段。
第五十七条 全国人民代表大会补选。