
A small demonstration of reactive Bayesian inference for pendulum dynamics

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Reactive inference with RxInfer.jl

This repository contains an example of reactive inference with RxInfer.jl library for simple pendulum dynamics. The example implements an interactive environment where a user can change different parameters of the pendulum dynamics on the fly and see the result of the actions made by RxInfer agent implemention.


Installation instructions

To (locally) reproduce this project, do the following:

  1. Go to the RxInfer.jl and click the Star button, otherwise the demo will not work.
  2. You need the Julia programming language preinstalled. The RxInfer.jl works with Julia 1.6-1.9, but the demo has been tested with the latest 1.8.5 release. We recommend using the juliaup Julia version manager to easliy install multiple versions of Julia.
  3. Start julia and run ] add IJulia. Note the ] symbol, its important, it changes the julia mode from execution to package manager mode. After that you may need to run build in the package manager mode. Alternatively it is possible to do the same in the execution mode by running using Pkg; Pkg.add("IJulia"); Pkg.build(). These commands install Julia jupyter kernel. After you can use either standard jupyter notebook command or simply run using IJulia; notebook(dir = pwd()) in the project's directory.
  4. The repository comes with the preconfigured environment written in the Project.toml and Manifest.toml. The notebook instantiates and installs all required packages automatically. Note, however, that initial installation and precompilation may take a significant amount of time.
  5. Simply click Cells -> Run all and wait for the instantion of the example. Julia may take several minutes to precompile the code.